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The Watch Disney Channel app has full episodes of That's So Raven, Hannah Montana, and Good Luck Charlie as well as some old DCOMs. Of course, Mufasa's death was really caused by the evil Scar, Simba's uncle.Lake Buena Vista, Florida (CNN) A 2-year-old boy pulled by an alligator into a lagoon near a Walt Disney World hotel has been found dead, authorities said. But fate liked spitting in poor little Simba's face, and his dear old dad got trampled to death by wildebeests. Simba always knew that he was going to succeed his father, Mufasa, as the next Lion King. 7 The Lion King: To Be Successful, Sometimes People Got to Die. Day 4: Hollywood Studios (1/2 day at park and then. Breakfast: Character breakfast with Goofy at our hotel Lunch: Tiffins Dinner: Depends on where park hopping. Day 2: Epcot Breakfast - Topolino's Terrace Lunch - Coral Reef Restaurant Dinner - Space 220 (4:00-9:00) Day 3: Animal Kingdom (1/2 day at park and then Typhoon Lagoon or Magic Kingdom.

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